Saturday, January 31, 2009

A "Fire" Thread - What's Wrong With The Economy

derby_dude started a "Fire" thread called What's Wrong with the Economy on 01/29/09. He said:

"For about 100 years our economy has been a 'borrow and spend' economy. The consumer can't borrow any more so he must pay down his debt. When the consumer has built up his savings and paid his debt down to a more manageable level he will start spending again. No amount of stimulus from Big Uncle is going to get us out of this.

I look for unemployment to hit around 30%, the illegal immigrants to go home, many people working for $7.25 an hour dang thankful they have work, inflation pushing toward 20%, foreclosures to skyrocket, bankruptcies to hit the stratosphere, etc. I look for at least a 10 year deep depression if for no other reason that the government will do everything it can to make last at least that long"

I spent the better part of the day trying to understand responses to his thread. To give an idea of how ignorant I was about this stuff: Bristoe said "The "so called" stimulus package is just a diversion to keep people thinking that something is being done by the government to fix the economic disaster. Just more theater." I said, "So, are you saying it'll pass, but the money isn't really there, so the money won't really be thrown up in the air, so to speak, - no harm done? No real harm, that is."

Bristoe said, "No,..I'm saying that it'll pass and the money will *always* be there. It's just paper. If it ever runs short they'll just print up more. The government never runs out of money. When it needs some, the Federal Reserve just runs some off for them. Of course, everytime they run off a batch of new money it makes the existing money worth just that much less."

Part of my problem understanding this comes from the idea that our money has to be backed up by something valuable. It is, but that 'valuable something' is the same 'valuable something' that's already backing up our money. Every time the Fed prints and issues more money, it divides the 'valuable something' into even smaller pieces; thereby causing our money to be worth even less.

According to the U.S. Department of the Treasury FAQs,Federal Reserve notes are not redeemable in gold, silver or any other commodity, and receive no backing by anything. This has been the case since 1933. The notes have no value for themselves, but for what they will buy. In another sense, because they are legal tender, Federal Reserve notes are "backed" by all the goods and services in the economy." So Federal Reserve Notes are backed by the Gross Domestic Product.

From an English article (The Money Oracle): "...a graphical representation of the fall in value of the US$ since the Federal Reserve took control of the monetary system"

US Dollar since the Federal Reserve took control of the monetary system

There's a lot of this kind of stuff on the web about the Federal Reserve. Most of it I take with a grain of salt. I don't take Glenn Beck with a grain of salt:
Glenn Beck: Look Behind The Curtain

Friday, January 30, 2009

Lava Tubes, The Federal Reserve, and The Economy

ehunter started a "fire" thread called Well I have been laid off on 01/27/09. It started a discussion about the deteriorating economic situation wherein I eventually said, "I guess I have a doomsday outlook on things. I think in 20yrs we will have become like Afghanistan with regards to our infrastructure. I think there'll be days when we will only have 4 or 5 hours electricity - or none at all. I think we'll have limited telephone service. Etc. And I think a full out depression is imminent. How could it not be?"

I really believe this, but I don't know why. Not yet.

From here my interest turned to this thread and the Federal Reserve. Some poignant things were said by people I believe know what they're talking about:
Bristoe - "The Federal Reserve has been playing games with the nation's monetary system and crashed it,...badly,...extremely badly. Even if massive numbers of people weren't losing their jobs, they wouldn't be able to work enough to fix it. This crash is of a scale that's never been seen before. Nobody has any idea how to deal with it or even if there *is* a way to deal with it."

Emphasis on "...Even if massive numbers of people weren't losing their jobs, they wouldn't be able to work enough to fix it."

mike762 - "...The further our economy descends, the easier it will be for the statists to gain permanent control, much as they did after the New Deal. Unfortunately, I think it will collapse along the way, long before it gets better. ..."

And I said, "...I don't know too much about the Fed's purpose - what it can/can't do. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that ... what's a good analogy? all this money flowing so freely around is kinda like a lava tube ripe to collapse on itself. Or a lava tube that's outgrown the volcano, yet still needs to be fed. Something along those lines. ... Where's all this 'free flowing money' coming from? It's scary...."

I finally invested all my thoughts in a thread called What's Wrong with the Economy....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

9:38 AM email to Claims Adjuster (Thu, Jan 29, 2009)

Post 19 My Truckalogue

Subject: How do things stand on the pay issue?

Little Nursette called me after our visit with Dr. Feelbetternow yesterday to tell me AMX could not accommodate the restriction of "no tie downs"; therefore they can't let me come back to work now.

Also, I am to go to physical therapy 2 to 3 times per week for 4 weeks. It apparently can't be done in my truck as Dr. Wolfe's nurse ordered. Since I drive over-the-road for AMX, and am paid mileage, it isn't cost effective (or even possible, probably) for me or AMX to have me back in Bessemer this often.

I am restricted to lifting no more than 15 pounds; carrying no more than 20 pounds; only occasionally reaching overhead; and limited work overhead. Dr. Feelbetternow didn't specifically state this, but the force required to open the jaws of a 5th wheel is significantly more than the force required to lift 15 pounds. Opening the jaws of a 5th wheel can only be done with my right arm.

I need to know three things:

1.) Will I be paid for any part of the period between January 13, 2009 and January 29, 2009 since Dr. Wolfe only restricted me to "no repetitive use of right shoulder for two weeks then resume duty", i.e., Dr. Wolfe's course of treatment would have been insufficient?

2.) When does my period of disability begin again, now that I am once again unable to work?

3.) How do I go about being reimbursed $50.78 out-of-pocket expenses for pain medication purchased January 16, 2009?

As always, I'd prefer an email response; but either way, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

Thanks much,

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3:54 PM email to Benefits Girl (Tue, Jan 27, 2009)

Post 17 My Truckalogue

Me again Benefits Girl

Y'all probably already know, but I have an appointment with the St. Vincent's Orthopedist in the morning at 10AM. The nurse hired by W/C carrier will be there with me.

You reckon there's a serious lack of trust in all this Workers Comp stuff? (Ha!)

Anyway, I wanted y'all to be aware that I've started a blog about my experience with Worker's Comp.

It's at

I just told my nurse about it, and now y'all know. I wanted to keep all this stuff documented as carefully as possible, and I hope the blog accomplishes that. It's a work in progress, but I think it'll be helpful if I have to hire an attorney or something.

Your name is "Benefits Girl", _____ is "Whatagreatguy", and my regular doctor's is "Dr. Feelgood".

Please let me know if y'all have any problems with it.

Thanks much,

Friday, January 23, 2009

2:24 PM email to Benefits Girl (1/23/09)

Post 14 My Truckalogue

Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:24 PM

Hi Benefits Girl,

Just wanted ya'll to know (if you don't already) that I've picked a doctor from the panel, but I don't have and appointment yet. Claims adjuster called this morning to confirm I'd gotten the letter listing the doctors - she'd just gotten her copy of it. I chose one and faxed the form back to Nurse Ratched with Integrated Care Management (the nurse on the case) early this morning. I believe Claims adjuster said somebody would send me a letter with the appointment info enclosed.

It occurred to me that it's no wonder w/c insurance is expensive with so many different companies having a hand in managing just one claim.

Anyway, my shoulder hasn't been hurting as much, but then I haven't used it as much either. When I have to make any kind of unusual movements with my right arm, it seems to awaken a sleeping dog, so to speak. I have varying degrees of pain from just a dull ache to intense stabbing pain. The stabbing pain moves around from my shoulder joint to the middle of my upper arm - like it's right in the middle of my humerus. The first x-rays showed a lump looking thing right where that upper arm pain is the most intense. The first doctor asked if I'd ever broken my arm there - that it could even be something from when I was a kid. But I've never had a broken arm. The MRI picked it up too, but the Orthopedist blew me off so fast - I asked why it hurt so bad in that spot, and he said "That's where it always hurts."

The one I picked from the panel is an Ortho at St. Vincent's in B'ham (Andrews Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center) and I'm hopeful he'll take the time to at least try to figure out what's wrong.

Please relay this info to Safety Man - I don't have his email address. And I appreciate y'all's help and understanding.

Thanks much,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

11:30 AM email to Claims Adjuster (1/15/19)

Post 17 WCO
Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 11:30 AM
Subject: The Panel

Claim Adjuster #2,

Just for the record - you called me after my last email, explaining you'd talked to both Benefits Girl and Whatagreatguy. You explained to me that whatever I do medically at this point - from 1/13/08 until the after the review - I will have to fund myself. And I told you I needed to talk to Whatagreatguy or Benifits Girl again. I did call Whatagreatguy back, and he explained that your hands are tied, and I couldn't get paid during the time I'm off.

You see, I didn't know that AMX's word wouldn't override the doctor's. I mean, after all, you work for AMX, right? Now I understand that the last "official" thing, the last piece of paper you have, is a work release from a doctor; and I guess that's all you're allowed to work with. This is cool with me. I was more concerned with losing my job if I refused to go back to work than I was about the money. Thank God I work for a company like AMX. Whatagreatguy's call to me this morning is nothing short of a miracle, because I felt so helpless after you told me to go back to work. I was trying to compose an email to Benefits Girl when he called.

Whatagreatguy told me to keep the receipts for any pain medication I pay for. I'm assuming I'll get reimbursed for that IF the "panel" rules in my favor, right?

And could you please send me a link to something on the internet that explains what a "Panel" is?

And most of all, do you have any idea how long it will take to get the Panel together?

I understand your reason for not wanting to email me, but surely there's nothing you could say here that you wouldn't want in writing. Or again, if you prefer, call on the phone.

I appreciate you time,

9:27 AM email to Claims Adjuster (1/15/09)

Post 17a WCO
Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 9:27 AM
My Safety Director just called - I need to stay off work

Claim Adjuster #2,

Whatagreatguy, our Safety Director at AMX, just now called to get an update from me. He knew the Orthopedist had ordered me back to work with "no repetitive overhead use of right shoulder for 2 weeks ...." He said he conversed with Benefits Girl and that, (paraphrasing him) while I didn't do any overhead work, there was a lot of stretching, etc., getting in and out of a truck. I almost cried.

I told him the Orthopedist had ignored the sideways movement that had caused me to cry out in his office. I told him the only movement anybody seemed interested in was whether or not I could lift my hands above my head. He said there was no point in my coming back to work only to find I couldn't do the job right now. He said I shouldn't come back until I felt comfortable with it, and that I needed to urge the Worker's Comp people to go ahead and get the panel together.

I told him what you said on the phone yesterday - that I needed to go back to work because Benefits Girl said I didn't do any overhead work. I told him you said it would take some time to get the panel together. I told him (paraphrasing) that I thought the communication problem was between you and Karen, and asked him if you could call him or Karen back to get clarification.

So I'm asking you - please call Whatagreatguy or Benefits Girl at AMX. I'm not going back to work until my shoulder is better per Whatagreatguy's instructions.

I also need some more pain/anti-inflammatory medication. Last night my right shoulder was swollen and extremely painful, yet there was nothing I could do about it. Please advise how I should go about getting it.

I prefer email communication for obvious reasons, but if you insist, please call me on the phone.

Thank you,

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

7:57 PM email to Porter (1/14/19)

Post 15 WCO
Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 7:57 PM

Hey Porter.

Thanks again for the advice. And thanks for putting up with my 'venting'.

I wish this had never become a w/c issue in the first place. When it happened, I was expecting to make an appointment with Dr. Feelgood and go from there. But I thought I should send a message on the Qualcomm about it in case I couldn't make the delivery in CT. The weekend person said to call our safety guy on Monday - it happened on a Saturday night. The safety guy turned me over to the benefits girl, and it snowballed from there. Once it became a w/c issue, I couldn't see my own doctor, etc., and AMX came and took my truck. Now I wish I hadn't sent that message on the Qualcomm in the first place. I just didn't know it'd be so ... difficult dealing with worker's comp issues.

What upsets me the most is that nobody in the worker's comp circle cares that I'm in pain, and they don't care that it's possible something really is wrong. And now there's nowhere to turn. If I'd kept it to myself, and dealt with it my own way, I'd still have a little breathing room. I could have worked with Dr. Feelgood and my dispatcher, stringing appointments along every week or so, until I could find out what's really wrong. But now I have nowhere to turn, and nobody medically inclined who gives a damn. Dr. Feelgood would have at least acted like he cared. It makes me want to "dig in my heels", as you said, and say "Whoa! wait a minute!!"

But I don't want to lose this job, so I'll do whatever it takes to keep it. Other issues here at the house are incentives to keep the OTR job as well - I'm tired of being put in the middle of things I have no control over. So I am coming around, and my attitude is changing. It's like I said - I just feel like I have nowhere to turn with my shoulder now, and nobody who gives a damn.

Thanks again, Porter. Lots of love,

1:41 PM Email to Claims Adjuster (1/14/09)

Post 16 WCO
date Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:41 PM
subject Saw the Orthopedist yesterday - requesting a "panel"

I saw the Orthopedist yesterday - Dr. Robert Wolfe, 3525 Independence Dr., B'ham AL. I'm not at all happy with his diagnosis, and I'm requesting a "Panel". My older brother is involved in worker's comp somehow. I'm not sure he doesn't do the same thing you or Lauren does. When I told him how I felt about Dr. Wolfe's opinion, he suggested I needed to ask you for a Panel. I'm assuing that's what this is:
"..... What are the options for the injured employee if he or she gets an adverse determination pursuant to medical dispute resolution? For the employer if determination is in employee's favor?
Employees may request a medical mediation through this Division, or the employee or his attorney may petition the court. The employer/carrier may act on our recommendation or petition the court....
What is the purpose of a medical mediation and how is it conducted?
A medical mediation is handled the same as our compensation mediations, except the issues to be mediated are medical issues and not settlement of compensation. Contact Sally Thames for scheduling. If the parties agree to a resolution of the medical issues in question, the parties shall sign a binding mediation agreement."

I tried to put my thoughts on paper early this morning. I'm just going to copy/paste parts of what I wrote (a diary sort-of) to explain what happened at Dr. Wolfe's.

I went to see the ortho yesterday. I'm very unhappy with his diagnosis, which was basically that there's nothing wrong with my shoulder except the rotor cuff is "bruised" and it'll get better over time. This in spite of a sharp, stabbing pain that nearly dropped me to my knees as he was testing ... something other than whether or not I could lift my arms over my head. Apparently, if you can lift your arms over your head, there's nothing wrong with you except a "bruise" .... The doc-in-a-box up in CT saw that I could pass this test and said the same thing - "bruise - take Motrin."
After stereotyping me yesterday, the Ortho wrote a return to work authorization which said I may resume work on 1/13/09, the same day, with the following limitations: "no repetitive overhead use of right shoulder for 2 weeks then resume duty." He also said he could give me a shot of cortisone "if I wanted one", and I could do physical therapy "if I wanted to." (I declined the shot.) He left the room and some other guy (a nurse maybe) came in to tell me about the physical therapy.
How am I going to do physical therapy if I'm to resume work? Why, in my truck, of course. This nurse said he was recommending a "home" program so I could do the therapy in my truck while I'm on the road. Therapy is to include "A/AA/PROM with stick, pulleys, wall walking, etc.,.... and give patient T-bands and pulleys for home use", according to the paper I'm supposed to take to the therapy people. As I write it I'm overwhelmed with a sense of ridiculousness.
Consider this: If it doesn't hurt to lift my arm over my head, why would he say I couldn't do it for 2 weeks while I'm at work? However, it does hurt when I move it in almost every other position, but there are no restrictions on those movements.
Why is everybody insisting I have a rotator cuff problem in the first place?
It dawned on me, just as I wrote that last sentence, that my problem won't involve researching rotator cuff injuries. It'll involve convincing the w/c people that maybe I have an injury that's not related to the rotator cuff. Something's wrong with my shoulder, and it damned sure isn't a "bruise".
I'm sick and disappointed over this whole thing. Knowing I'll probably have to hire an attorney makes it even worse. I kinda feel like crying. I think it's gonna be a busy day.

I told my brother that y'all had been super nice and helpful. So again, I'm asking for help. Please tell me what the next step is.

Thanks so much,

10:25 AM email to Porter (1/14/09)

Post 15a WCO

Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 10:25 AM

Hey Porter!
Was so good to see you the other day and give you a hug finally!
I composed the following to post on a message board on the web. Read it first - then I need your advice at the end.

I've about decided that if you want good medical attention when you're injured on the job, you're best off not going the way of Worker's Compensation. Problem with that is none of us can afford to take the time off to heal. If you take too much time off you lose your job. Then you have to pay your own insurance premiums (Cobra) - which have now jumped to well over $300/mo just for single coverage. You can't pay it because you can't work because you were injured on the job. What I don't understand is why the Worker's Comp insurance companies are so reluctant to pay for good medical attention, and why the doctors regard you as not eligible for good medical attention once they realize you're a Worker's Comp patient.

I went to see the ortho yesterday. I'm very unhappy with his diagnosis, which was basically that there's nothing wrong with my shoulder except the rotor cuff is "bruised" and it'll get better over time. This in spite of a sharp, stabbing pain that nearly dropped me to my knees as he was testing ... something other than whether or not I could lift my arms over my head. Apparently, if you can lift your arms over your head, there's nothing wrong with you except a "bruise" - if you're a worker's comp case. The doc-in-a-box up in CT saw that I could pass this test and said the same thing - "bruise - take Motrin."

After stereotyping me yesterday, the Ortho wrote a return to work authorization which said I may resume work on 1/13/09, the same day, with the following limitations: "no repetitive overhead use of right shoulder for 2 weeks then resume duty." He also said he could give me a shot of cortisone "if I wanted one", and I could do physical therapy "if I wanted to." (I declined the shot.) He left the room and some other guy (a nurse maybe) came in to tell me about the physical therapy.

How am I going to do physical therapy if I'm to resume work? Why, in my truck, of course. This nurse said he was recommending a "home" program so I could do the therapy in my truck while I'm on the road. Therapy is to include "A/AA/PROM with stick, pulleys, wall walking, etc.,.... and give patient T-bands and pulleys for home use", according to the paper I'm supposed to take to the therapy people. As I write it I'm overwhelmed with a sense of ridiculousness.

Consider this: If it doesn't hurt to lift my arm over my head, why would he say I couldn't do it for 2 weeks while I'm at work? However, it does hurt when I move it in almost every other position, but there are no restrictions on those movements.

Why is everybody insisting I have a rotator cuff problem in the first place?

It dawned on me, just as I wrote that last sentence, that my problem won't involve researching rotator cuff injuries. It'll involve convincing the w/c people that maybe I have an injury that's not related to the rotator cuff. Something's wrong with my shoulder, and it damned sure isn't a "bruise".

I'm sick and disappointed over the Worker's Comp racket. Knowing I'll probably have to hire an attorney makes it even worse. I kinda feel like crying. I think it's gonna be a busy day.

I'm not sure where things are at this point, and I need your advice. Should I contact my w/c person myself, and tell her I want another opinion? Or should I point out to her that physical therapy in my truck is a ridiculous notion? What should I do?
Shifting make whatever's wrong hurt worse. Lots of other things I have to do, like pulling 5th wheel release and pulling release for trailer tandems requires all my strength on a good day. It's almost impossible now. In fact, when I finally got home, I thought I was going to have to ask somebody to pull 5th wheel so I could drop the trailer at Food World.
I appreciate it Porter.
Love Sherry

Thursday, January 8, 2009

3:28 PM email to 1st Claim Adjuster (1/8/09)

Post 9 WCO
Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:28 PM
Claim # 8,61764 ....

Hi [Claim Adjuster]

I emailed Benifits Girl at AMX with the following questions - just gonna copy/paste/send same questions to you:

"I hate to ask, but when will I start receiving a W/C check? What's the next steps, or procedure? I've never had any experience with W/C and couldn't find anything definite on the web as to how it works. ... point is - when does my W/C pay period start? And how much, when, etc. Like I said to begin with, I hate to ask, but I need to know."

My email to Benifits Girl included a timeline from when the injury occurred up to now. Can send that if you need it. I have an appointment for 8:00 in the morning to have the MRI done.

I appreciate your help and assistance.

Thanks much,