Post 9 WCO
Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 3:28 PM
Claim # 8,61764 ....
Hi [Claim Adjuster]
I emailed Benifits Girl at AMX with the following questions - just gonna copy/paste/send same questions to you:
"I hate to ask, but when will I start receiving a W/C check? What's the next steps, or procedure? I've never had any experience with W/C and couldn't find anything definite on the web as to how it works. ... point is - when does my W/C pay period start? And how much, when, etc. Like I said to begin with, I hate to ask, but I need to know."
My email to Benifits Girl included a timeline from when the injury occurred up to now. Can send that if you need it. I have an appointment for 8:00 in the morning to have the MRI done.
I appreciate your help and assistance.
Thanks much,